Dolly’s Library

Posted By Diane


Shown here are James Matilla, Rotarian and Board Member of United Way, Claudia Stevens, of the United Way of Aroostook and Amy Hocking, President of Houlton Rotary. Claudia educated the Houlton Rotarians about Dolly’s Imagination Library during the February 9th lunch meeting. Books are free to children under the age of 5 and Dolly Parton only expects the shipping to be covered. A child can receive a book once a month. This program is to encourage parents to read to their children and so that when they enter school their imaginations are sparked and studies have proven improved learning skills. Claudia handed out applications and is more than willing to answer any more questions. Her phone number is 764-5197 and the office is at 480 Main Street in Presque Isle.

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