Job-Driven National Emergency Grant

Posted By Diane


Pictured here are Amy Hocking, Houlton Rotarian president, Ryan Pelletier, and Lance Albair of ACAP. Lance spoke about the Job Driven National Emergency Grant given to 32 states including Maine and some of its counties. Aroostook County received $1,00,000.00. JD-NEG connects dislocated workers to the workforce. If a person was unemployed for at least 27 weeks during the recession of December 2007 to January 2009 they are eligible for this program. JD-NEG pays for 50% of the training with the expectation of a full time position for the trainee. This is helpful to employers as well as to future employees. For more information, please contact ACAP at 1-800-432-7881 or email Lance at lalbair@acap-me. org.

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