Mike Hammer Speaks about SAD29

Posted By Fgrant

Mike Hammer, RSU 29 Superintendent with President Lori Weston

Mike Hammer, RSU 29 Superintendent with President Lori Weston

Superintendent Mike Hammer gave us an update on the progress of the changes happening in our school district, they are very exciting! And some are already in place. Did you know that the Houlton School has a program called Story Boost where adults from the community come in and read to students. There is also Junior Achievement which works with 8th grade students to help them identify with local community members that live, work and succeed right here in our own community, there are classes that they learn what an employee is looking for, about finances, responsibilities and more. And of course the wonderful JMG class (Jobs for Maine Grads) which has been in place for many years. I believe that this is one step in the right direction to help our local children to believe in their community along with themselves.

Mike spoke on the Strategic Educational Plan: Roadmap for Results. He started by reviewing some of the Guiding Principles that have been formed. This is what we want our children/future employees/future business owners/future politicians to be:

  • An integrative and informed thinker
  • A self-directed and lifelong learner
  • A creative and practical problem solver
  • A clear and effective communicator
  • A responsible and involved citizen

Which then turns into the core beliefs, in an ever changing world, we believe:

  • All students can learn in different ways, in different settings, at different rates, for different futures
  • Student learning requires complex thinking and problem solving skills to meet student needs.
  • We value decision-making and actions guided by the principles of integrity, empathy, responsibility, and respect for self and others.
  • Clear learning targets and continuous reflection are essential to successful teaching and learning.
  • Challenging standards of performance are expected for all members of the learning community
  • Learning flourishes in a safe and caring environment
  • Educators require ongoing professional development in order to facilitate and model innovative education.
  • Positive relationships among parents, community, and schools promote shared responsibility for providing the tools for student success

Mike then discussed the overarching goals of Innovative Education and Community Collaboration, the Curriculum, the Instruction, Assessment, Intervention, Support, and Enrichment , Culture, Engagement, Partnerships, and Communication. This is a huge project that is involving many people both locally and through out the State to determine the best way to educate for the future. The above information was taken off a hand out the Mike provided us with. There is much more information that you can and should look into at www.rsu29.org


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